COEXAL GmbH is one of the leading companies producing extruded parts of aluminium and its alloys, copper, zinc and magnesium, as well as deep-drawn and punched parts of all deep-drawing materials. We are a global supplier to automotive and electrical equipment manufacturers, pyrotechnics, and machine builders.

Gewerbegebiet 2
D-99887 Georgenthal
OT Schönau v.d.W.
Fon: +49 36253 315-0
Fax: +49 36253 315-99
Email: info@coexal.de
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Here you can download our certificates, general terms and conditions, purchasing conditions, our code of conduct and the REACH chemicals regulation.
In a storage and production area of 16,500 m², technical impact extruded parts are produced from aluminium and its alloys, copper, zinc and magnesium, as well as deep-drawn and stamped parts from all deep-drawable materials.